Shot on location in Soho, London and Jack Solomons Gym
Honouring tradition, and authentic British boxing heritage we ventured over to Jack Solomons gym for our 'Everyday Champions' photographic shoot. Situated on Great Windmill Street, at the original site of its first iconic incarnation of the 1940's, 50's and 60's, JSG provided the ideal location to visually explore the timeless journey of the boxing brotherhood, reimagined through a modern lens.
During the gym's heyday Jack Solomons' would welcome big fighting names of the eras; Bruce Woodcock, Freddie Mills, Henry Cooper and Randolph Turpin are just some of the domestic talent that would grace the gym's floorboards at one time or another. Such was the pulling power of promoter Jack Solomons' himself and the currency he held with his trans-Atlantic partners that, if fortunate enough, you may have caught a glimpse of American greats; Muhammad Ali, Ken Norton, Archie Moore, Lee Savold or Joey Maxim training for fights in Blighty. Two shillings would grant you entry to watch your heroes train and witness a brotherhood forged in blood and sweat, where egos were left at the door and reputations formed. Fast forward and the landscape may change but the bond of brotherhood lives on.

Nuakai Aru
Jacey Elthalion
Glen Power

Photography and retouch by Chris Boulton chrisboulton.com
Models: Jacey Elthalion, Charlie Duffield, Glen Power and Nuakai Aru.